Stories of Job Search
5 months of job searching - 2 passive search, 1 active, 1 passive-depressed, 1 active
~120 total contacts:
~50 on djinni (20 recruiters contacted me, 30 I applied)
~30 linkedin messages (not jobs, linkedin jobs may be 1 or 2)
others - direct applications to companies
~40 HR interviews
~20 technical interviews (failed many, answered badly, felt ashamed)
2 offers: one with low pay, accepted the other
djinni got me the most interviews and both offers
7y of experience, looked for remote job in US
searched for 1.5 months
I applied 20-30 times, recruiters wrote me 10-15 times
had 6 interviews
1 offer
found through linkedin
after put badge "opentowork" I got more incoming contacts than usual
2y of experience, looked for remote node.js job
3 weeks of search
applied at djinni:
- 1 reject
- 3 ignores
- 2 I rejected because of office work
- 1 I rejected because irrelevant
1 job I liked and applied at linkedin
got 30 min HR interview and then tech test task for 2-3 days (I completed in 6h)
got interview with CTO on monday, on thursday got the offer
1.5 years with sabbatical and passive search
3 months of active search
- djinni - 28 conversations
- DOU - 70 applications
- rabota - 50 applications
- linkedin - 30 conversations and applications
- wrote to ~20-30 people I know
30 interviews
2 offers
on rabota most companies doesn't answer, very cheap jobs, and strange people call with advertising of their products and services
About 6 months of job searching, filled with courses and periods of feeling down.
Through Djinni: 4 inbound and 15 outbound job applications, no interviews.
Through DOU: 30 job applications, most of which resulted in rejections.
Through personal connections: 20 contacts, but no open positions for Junior Data Scientists.
Posted on LinkedIn: 0 job inquiries.
I also reached out to all 10 IT companies in my city, even those without open positions, and received a response from just one.
That led to one test task and one technical interview, which resulted in my only job offer.
$500 to start, with a salary review after a 3-month trial period.
Had 3 years of experience, applied to Middle Backend or Fullstack jobs.
Searched for 3 months, mostly on DOU.
Applied to 60 jobs, 80% answered and most HR interview passed.
Some rejected but reasonable - need to go to office in Kyiv, needed industry experience etc.
I rejected those who asked to do test tasks.
Some frozen job searching.
Some rejected for not enough english level or overqualified.
Passed many tech interviews.
Most outstaff and outsource client interviews I failed.
Got may be ~6 offers:
- big outsource in EV charging product
- some offers in iGaming companies (gambling)
- offer to UK neobank (with the terrible contract and NDA)
- offer to ukrainian product.
Chose the last.
I found a job at a major outsourcing company thanks to LinkedIn and a stroke of luck.
In late 2020, after attending a technical seminar hosted by the same company, a recruiter contacted me a few days later.
She likely found me on the attendee list, saw my profile, and noticed that I was open to new opportunities.
In January 2021, I started working there. I am still with the company, and it has been nearly four years now.
I have been looking for a job for 2 years since 2020, but the current company in which I am working now found me in LinkedIn and wrote to me in a direct message.
- The recommendations of me as a specialist posted on LinkedIn helped a lot.
- A detailed profile was also very helpful.
I had statistics for 2 months at the beginning of the search in 2020.
There were 500 responses to the vacancies of which:
~35% offers only work in the office (remotely for the period of quarantine), think that all this will stop tomorrow, and therefore believe that I, as a remot specialist quickly leave them and therefore a hard refusal;
~25% do not fit my level of English (well, I did not have the opportunity/circumstances to present my work in English);
~20% have not responded yet;
~15% have responded, but are waiting for something from their management to make a decision and nothing is happening;
- for the rest I'm overqualified.
The best rejections I received as a UX/UI designer Frontend developer were "we need pretty pictures. we don't even have development" and "your salary range is lower than in our company".
Searched for 6 months, passively at first, last 2.5 months actively applied.
Applied on djinni/dou/linkedin:
- 104 jobs applied
- 3 HR interview
- 1 tech interview
- 0 offers
Then fixed CV from 5 pages to 1 page.
And applied to the local job board in my country:
- 5 jobs applied
- 2 HR interview
- 1 tech interview
- 1 offer
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